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Christmas Gift ideas for Husband
Brenda A. Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM+
Brenda A. MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 381 WEDDING DATE: Oct 22, 2001
Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

What do you get the man that has everything. He has no hobbies, i.e golf. He watches TV and likes music. We don't have a house yet, so tools and house stuff are out. Every gift giving holiday is so stressful for me, he's impossible to shop for. What are you getting your man? Any ideas would help.

Now you got me thinking. something to ponder over the weekend....!

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Karen Posted: Dec 12, 2000 12:00 AM+
Karen MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 1077 WEDDING DATE: Feb 22, 2002
Posted: Dec 12, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

So great that you posted! I was just thinking about this tonight!

I am thinking about going to Structure and getting him a few new shirts - he's recently toned up and lost alot of weight. (we both have actually) All his clothes are baggy and I think he should show off a bit!

I'm also heading to Michael's to look for a double picture frame. He wrote our wedding vows = and I'm putting them on one side and our wedding photo on the other. I was toying on doing the same with our Gospel reading but I think that would mean more to me than him!

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Brenda A. Posted: Dec 13, 2000 12:00 AM+
Brenda A. MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 381 WEDDING DATE: Oct 22, 2001
Posted: Dec 13, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

So I thought of some ideas, thought I would share them.

He has no real hobbies, but he does like to do puzzels and they are cheap, so I'll get a few.

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Glory Posted: Dec 13, 2000 12:00 AM+
Glory MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 405 WEDDING DATE: Nov 04, 2000
Posted: Dec 13, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

He's been talking about a DVD player for at least a year and a half now... So, I priced them, and was surprised that they're running about $200 (I was imagining more like $400+). AND, Blockbuster is running a promotion...30 DVD rentals for 30 days for $20...basically, if you rent only 9, it already pays for itself. And, who knows what will be going on during those movie nights when it's blistering cold outside...'santaesque', Karen??? ;-)

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

He is going to flip when he sees what I got him

I got him the Sony Playstation 2. He already has the first one and has been dying for the second one. He knows how hard it has been to get it!! This makes it all the more special!!


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

Hi - I had a hard time too. I went on to JC Penney website and found a gorgeous long to the floor bath robe with a hood. It was $75.00 and on sale on the web for 34.99. I can't tell you how beautiful it is since I've received it. It's very soft and now I want one! ha ha ha. I gave it to him early and he has worn it everyday; he normally doesn't wear one. Great for watching TV. I also found the 5 tape video collections at Borders to be really nice. I bought the Bruce Lee series.

Now you got me thinking. something to ponder over the weekend....!

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 19, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Christmas Gift ideas for Husband

I ended up getting my hubby a nice sweater, a golf scope, for seeing the green from a distance. I also got him a set of Hardy Boy classics, a set of 3 sepia photographs of central park that we can go and get framed together, a tree ornament with our wedding pic in it, a hand-free radio that clips on to his ear so he doesn't have to carry anything when he runs...and a bunch of candy goodies and other small stuff

I got him the Sony Playstation 2. He already has the first one and has been dying for the second one. He knows how hard it has been to get it!! This makes it all the more special!!


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 20, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 20, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

He is going to flip when he sees what I got hi

OK- Where and how much??? My hubby would die!!!!

I got him the Sony Playstation 2. He already has the first one and has been dying for the second one. He knows how hard it has been to get it!! This makes it all the more special!!


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 20, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 20, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

He is going to flip when he sees what I got hi

In Astoria. The package was $519 + tax. It came out that much because of a warrenty, controller, games, memory, and a dual pack(?). His mother picked it up for me since we went half/half. It was called Software Inc or Etc.

My husband and I have been together nearly a decade. We both believed nothing about our relationship would change after we married. That was true for the most part for the first few months. Then over the summer things started to get bad; him working late, constant arguing, name calling, etc. Over the last two months we barely saw each other, didn't sleep in the same room and it seemed like we were always angry at each other and resented being married. I started feeling alone and desperate. One night during a fight, he said alot of cruel things, things soo personal and hurtful they almost changed forever how I felt about him. The things he said made me question if he was ever attracted to me or loved me. Somehow I reconnected w/a male friend from junior high. I haven't seen/heard from him in over 14 years. We started emailing each other; intending it to be only a friendly situation. We were merely kids when we last parted, but we were the closest of friends during that time in our life. A few emails into things and he revealed that he had always had a major crush on me, but he never told me because he was afraid of rejection. I never thought of him in a romantic sense, so I thought we could discuss it without things getting complicated. Obviously I was wrong. He started becoming very intense with the things he was saying. He too, was experiencing big time problems in his marriage. His wife was cruel, showed no signs of affection, etc. He started telling me the way he felt/was starting to feel about me. At first I was very uncomfortable about the whole thing. But then his words really started to get to me. He said all the things I was desperate to hear; he loved me, needed me, appreciated having me there to talk to etc. His words started melting my heart and he was on my mind constantly. For weeks I lived with a pain in my chest and a knot in my stomach. Within the last week, things got way too intense when we both started to plot to leave our spouses to be with each other. I guess it all climaxed when we spoke on the phone yesterday and knew that things were getting to the point of no return.

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