A super fun party at the home that is interactive with the bride where they will eat, drink, cook, learn, dance & sing!
Interview with DJ CHEF Marc Weiss, 'The Chef That Rocks'
Featured on Food Network, MTV, FUSE and Discovery Channel 'The Party Planner' .
How have bachelorette/bachelor parties changed over the years?
It used to be the same routine where the girls go out to NYC or AC and do the male revue/stripper thing and get humiliated in front of people they don't know. Now I'm seeing the girls are tired of that experience and want to celebrate more with their friends at home. They will often complete the night by going out locally and meeting up with the guys (or other friends).
What are some of the hottest trends you are seeing in bachelorette/bachelor parties, and how are you catering to them?
DJ CHEF's Bachelorette Cooking Class Parties of course! It is by far the most popular type of private party request that I am getting today.
What do you offer soon to be brides?
A super fun party at the home that is interactive with the bride where they will eat, drink, cook, learn, dance & sing! I do this for bridal showers in the home as well (or if its at a venue I offer my DJ/Dessert and demo with the bride format)..... The girls also get the bride the super hot 'I got cookin' with DJ CHEF!' apron. You can add her name bling'd out in rhinestones as well.
How far in advance do brides have to book with you?
I always tell my clients to reserve their date as soon as they have one. The longer they wait, the less likely that the date will be available.
What does the bachelorette party encompass and entail?
The DJ CHEF's Bachelorette Cooking Class Party is a unique party that I developed, where I come to the home and cook, teach and deejay while the guests eat, drink, learn, dance & sing. I have signature 'cooking routines' I do with the bride that are really amazing, as well as other fun routines that make the night really memorable for the bride and her friends! Please call for further details (I can't give away all my surprises ;-) )
How is what you provide different from the traditional bachelorette party?
I have tailored the parties to give the girls everything that they would want in a fun, “Girls Night Out”. I give the bride and her guests that special level of attention right in their own home.
Tell us about how you make this special day extra special and memorable for the bride.
In addition to the expected food & music I have the party somewhat scripted out, so that I can keep taking the party up a notch; the brides really love it.
How is what you offer different from other venues out there?
Well that's what's different......I give the bride a personal party at the home, transforming it into her own personal 'club'.... When you celebrate at a venue/nightclub/theme show you have to deal with the general public invading your space. You jeopardize the evening being ruined by 'the intoxicated close dancer' or 'jealous girl' trying to steal your spot light. I keep hearing these stories and how the guests at my parties really enjoy what I offer so much better. I've posted some of the bride’s reviews and letters on my website.
Why would this be a viable alternative for such a special night out?
Watch the videos @ www.DJChefBridesRock.com ! You tell me ;-)
Do you offer something that’s appealing for both bride’s and grooms?
Yes, I do a 'Jack & Jill' party, a bachelor/bachelorette party with the bride & the groom’s friends.
Is this suitable for all ages? And, how about mom’s, is it something they would enjoy and can be included on?
Absolutely. They party is pretty 'clean'...I have a lot of moms, aunts and family members at my parties. The party can get as wild as the guests are! (I've seen it all!).
What other type of events are you available for?
I do a lot of bridal showers & special birthdays. I also perform at larger corporate events, benefits and food & wine galas and festivals across the country. I can perform in the home or at any venue.
Are you available for midweek parties or do you only operate on the weekends. And, is there a difference in what is offered or what the bride and/or groom can expect?
Yes of course. I am available any day of the week and all times of the day. I offer a lower rate to do the party during the week.
What was you most memorable party?
Last year when the bride announced to the girls over the microphone 'This has been the best night of my life!.....besides meeting Gary! (the groom to be)