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Got My Invitations Tonight!
LIWeddings Archive Posted: Jan 09, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Jan 09, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Got My Invitations Tonight!

Hi Ladies:

Just wanted to let everyoe know that I got my invitations tonight. They are awesome! Talk about hitting home! <--- WHEN YOU SEE YOUR NAME ON THE INVITATION INSTEAD OF A SAMPLE!!! UGH! Anyway, I love them!! They came out perfect. Everything is perfectly lined up and well written on each line. They gave me an etiquete sheet on how to address different people in different situations, which I didn't know. They gave me an envelope line guide to stick into each envelope so that the writing is straight! I practiced already. I did some sample envelopes for Lorraine to send her in calligraphy. They came out great. Just thought I would share. I got them at Party Hardy in Nesconset. I think they are a chain though. Very reasonable, nice and I only ordered them last Sunday, so she ordered them Monday and I had them today! If anyone wants the number, let me know.

I have not done the food taste yet because they only do it on a weekday and will not accommodate a weekend. Can you believe that?? I am very concerned about the food, people do remember the food and I don't want them to say that the food was bad. Can you tell me what you tried? Please keep in touch at the email above. My wedding is August and yours?

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