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widow has quadruplets from IVF
LoveyDovey Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:10 PM+
LoveyDovey MEMBER SINCE: 12/09 TOTAL POSTS : 6678 WEDDING DATE: Sep 02, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:10 PM bride-minus.png

widow has quadruplets from IVF

just wondering what everyones thoughts on this are

im home sick watching TLC
This woman lost her husband in a car accident a few years ago, when he died she requested that they do sperm retrieval which they did and froze his sperm

10 IVF treatments later, she has quadruplets

I mean I give this woman so much credit for having strength to have 4 children on her own without a father and her husband and it is certainly inspirational

but does anyone think its weird that her husband just went into cardiac arrest and she thinks, get his sperm? I dont know, I have never heard of this before, and can't imagine that I would ever think this way if my DH died
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PazzaRagazza Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:15 PM+
PazzaRagazza MEMBER SINCE: 11/09 TOTAL POSTS : 3782 WEDDING DATE: Oct 07, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:15 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

i dont know im torn... i love DH. His parents couldnt have children and adopted and i know how much my IL's are looking forward to being grandparents. If GOD FORBID something happened to joey i'd be open to doing this. Would it be the first thing i think of maybe not.... but i sort of understand why this woman did it.
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tbmaz2011 Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:33 PM+
tbmaz2011 MEMBER SINCE: 3/09 TOTAL POSTS : 864 WEDDING DATE: Sep 30, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:33 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

DH and I watched an episode of Law and Order that was the same thing. Very weird, the first thing they think of is get the sperm.

DH was really weirded out like that and made me promise not to do that.

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little j Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:41 PM+
little j MEMBER SINCE: 1/09 TOTAL POSTS : 12449 WEDDING DATE: Apr 24, 2010
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:41 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by tbmaz2011

DH and I watched an episode of Law and Order that was the same thing. Very weird, the first thing they think of is get the sperm.

DH was really weirded out like that and made me promise not to do that.

i saw this episode...but the reason (in the episode) was tied to money. the hubby had a large inheritance that was set up for his children. so the lady could only get $$ with his kids.

gotta love L&O!
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LoveyDovey Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:42 PM+
LoveyDovey MEMBER SINCE: 12/09 TOTAL POSTS : 6678 WEDDING DATE: Sep 02, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:42 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by tbmaz2011

DH and I watched an episode of Law and Order that was the same thing. Very weird, the first thing they think of is get the sperm.

DH was really weirded out like that and made me promise not to do that.

I feel like maybe if someone had a known fatal illness and it was discussed while they were alive it makes it easier to swallow

but a sudden death and one of the first things you think of this? I dont know it doesn't sit right with me

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Jennielee15 Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:55 PM+
Jennielee15 MEMBER SINCE: 4/10 TOTAL POSTS : 3264 WEDDING DATE: Jul 16, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 02:55 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Everyone keeps saying it's weird that this was the first thing she thought of. Well if he was in a car accident and put on life support for some time then she would have a few days to think it over. Most likely this was the case and she had time to go over her plan for having his children and look into this procedure. I don't find that weird at all, I mean if she was planning a family with him before he died and then suddenly lost him, why not have his sperm frozen? I think it's something a lot of women would at least think about.
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leesah85 Posted: Dec 22, 2011 03:02 PM+
leesah85 MEMBER SINCE: 1/10 TOTAL POSTS : 14485 WEDDING DATE: Nov 04, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 03:02 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by Jennielee15

Everyone keeps saying it's weird that this was the first thing she thought of. Well if he was in a car accident and put on life support for some time then she would have a few days to think it over. Most likely this was the case and she had time to go over her plan for having his children and look into this procedure. I don't find that weird at all, I mean if she was planning a family with him before he died and then suddenly lost him, why not have his sperm frozen? I think it's something a lot of women would at least think about.

ITA - if he was dead on the scene then i'd say no, but if there was a life support scenario, then yeah, i'd consider it
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LoveyDovey Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:11 PM+
LoveyDovey MEMBER SINCE: 12/09 TOTAL POSTS : 6678 WEDDING DATE: Sep 02, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:11 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

there was no life support
he was brought in, in cardiac arrest and died shortly after arrival to the ER according to the wifes story

I'm not judging her
just wanted to share the story and hear others thoughts
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itbroi805 Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:30 PM+
itbroi805 MEMBER SINCE: 8/09 TOTAL POSTS : 5589 WEDDING DATE: Oct 07, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:30 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

i do think it's weird that she thought of it first thing, but maybe she had heard a similar story like weeks before this happened to her husband or something and it was fresh in her mind? God forbid, I'd always want a piece of my husband with me always.
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PazzaRagazza Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:32 PM+
PazzaRagazza MEMBER SINCE: 11/09 TOTAL POSTS : 3782 WEDDING DATE: Oct 07, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 04:32 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by itbroi805

i do think it's weird that she thought of it first thing, but maybe she had heard a similar story like weeks before this happened to her husband or something and it was fresh in her mind? God forbid, I'd always want a piece of my husband with me always.

agreed.... thats how i felt reading this.... then i felt like the odd ball out LOL
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AwaitingAugust Posted: Dec 22, 2011 05:11 PM+
AwaitingAugust MEMBER SINCE: 11/09 TOTAL POSTS : 13758 WEDDING DATE: Aug 15, 2010
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 05:11 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by Jennielee15

Everyone keeps saying it's weird that this was the first thing she thought of. Well if he was in a car accident and put on life support for some time then she would have a few days to think it over. Most likely this was the case and she had time to go over her plan for having his children and look into this procedure. I don't find that weird at all, I mean if she was planning a family with him before he died and then suddenly lost him, why not have his sperm frozen? I think it's something a lot of women would at least think about.

exactly what i was thinking
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kshea23 Posted: Dec 22, 2011 05:14 PM+
kshea23 MEMBER SINCE: 5/09 TOTAL POSTS : 6685 WEDDING DATE: Apr 29, 2011
Posted: Dec 22, 2011 05:14 PM bride-minus.png

Re: widow has quadruplets from IVF

Posted by Jennielee15

Everyone keeps saying it's weird that this was the first thing she thought of. Well if he was in a car accident and put on life support for some time then she would have a few days to think it over. Most likely this was the case and she had time to go over her plan for having his children and look into this procedure. I don't find that weird at all, I mean if she was planning a family with him before he died and then suddenly lost him, why not have his sperm frozen? I think it's something a lot of women would at least think about.

i couldn't agree more with you
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jessicaferguson Posted: Feb 27, 2016 03:19 AM+
jessicaferguson MEMBER SINCE: 7/15 TOTAL POSTS : 2 WEDDING DATE: Aug 21, 2015
Posted: Feb 27, 2016 03:19 AM bride-minus.png

widow has quadruplets from IVF

When couples get annoyed of trying different treatment to get pregnant they at last went for IVF process to have their own child. IVF is a good treatment that involves combination of eggs and sperm in lab to fertilize and form an embryo. The best embryos are then transferred back inside the womb of woman to grow and birth a child.
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