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It is the little things that change...
Junebride Posted: Aug 09, 2001 11:06 AM+
Junebride MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 616 WEDDING DATE: Jun 16, 2001
Posted: Aug 09, 2001 11:06 AM bride-minus.png

It is the little things that change...

I have said that not much has changed since we've married - but my husbands b-day is this weekend and I went to buy him a card - I didn't realize it at first (I was looking at the cards that said to the one I love) It hit me (I can buy a husband card) They always have so many more to choose from! I have heard so many people say this (it always seems funny when I say my husband) I told a real estate lady that she can either speak to me or my husband (I felt like I was lying) sometimes it doesn't really feel like it happened. I guess you get used to it after a while. Just thought I'd share...
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