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Physically wanting children?
LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 06, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 06, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Physically wanting children?

We've only been married 7 months and I said I would like to wait a year or two before trying, but all of a sudden over the last 2 months, I'm feeling, not desperate, but like 'I'm ready now'. I have these weird dreams, I light up around babies, love being with my nephew and niece (3 and 2)and when I try to shake it, it comes back. It's very wierd. I'm 34 and my husband is 39, I'm not pressured, but everyone keeps telling me 'don't wait too long because it gets harder to run after them as you get older'. I also see a few girls in my company that have tried for years and couldn't. One of my friends can't have them at all and she is the same age as me. Have any of you been experiencing 'a physical' feeling of wanting children. I'm confused? I feel like my body is telling me go go go and yet my head say's hold on a while. I'm confused.

I'm the 'breadwinner' but not by far...we're both engineers of different disciplines... I honestly didn't think people would comment having kids...but it's happening. It's only been a month since the wedding!!!

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 06, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 06, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Physically wanting children?

Feeling the same way as you - I am 34 - my husband is 32. I wanted to wait at least 1 year before trying, and all of the sudden this weekend we were at the hospital visiting my brother and sister in law who just had their 3rd child and that 'FEELING' really came over me like I am ready.
Just remember that if you start trying - it could happen right away, so be prepared!!!!!

I'm the 'breadwinner' but not by far...we're both engineers of different disciplines... I honestly didn't think people would comment having kids...but it's happening. It's only been a month since the wedding!!!

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Karen Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
Karen MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 1077 WEDDING DATE: Feb 22, 2002
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png


Definately - even more so now that I'm married. I do feel a greater awareness of my uterus area (as bizarre as it sounds) and find myself imagining what it would be like to hold a product of 'us' can be addictive.

I do work hard to keep myself focused on crawling before running...and after having a child, I understand life moves at warp speed.
Its hard to describe...but its like we're falling in love all over again but on a much deeper level. Its actually pretty amazing....

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Karen Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
Karen MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 1077 WEDDING DATE: Feb 22, 2002
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Physically wanting children?

Kate, I went through that a few months after were were married. Coincidentially, it was right around the time that the wedding stuff had really died down. (month 4 or so). It didn't help that a really good friend of mine was just about to give birth....It was such a physical ache it really surprised me.

Its now 8 months after our wedding. The ache has subsided and is being replaced with a clearer focus on other items. Such as still adjusting to being married! Now that all of the hubub of wedding stuff is really gone, life is reverting to normal but in reality, there is no normal because we're creating new norms - as a married couple. It really requires alot of energy, focus and devotion. Esp for someone like me who has been independent for so long.

So instead of focusing on conceiving I am nesting - in a way. By enhancing and fine tuning my marriage and my that when a baby comes, it will ideally be born into a home that is stabilized and not one that is headed up by 2 adults that are still trying to figure out the rules of marriage. (and yes, i still have dreams...)

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png


That sheds a little different light on things. I was just wondering if anyone else had that sort of feeling. I feel overwhelmed by it sometimes like it controls me. Thank you Karen

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png


what a great company you work for. What company is it?? A girl in my company who has been here for 10 years - runs a division and is very well liked here just had a baby and wants to come back only part time. They would not do it and she is leaving the company. You are fortunate when you have childeren.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png


I work for Symbol, which is a wonderful place to work. The Sr. staff is wonderful, the associates are great. And yes, the day care is wonderful as well. Actually the founder of our company just received an award for it. They are very strict and safe down there and the kids love it. Some of them cry every day when they have to leave. LOL It will make it easier for me knowing I have that choice. I don't mind day care when it's right here with me. It's a huge plus

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Physically wanting children?

I would love to start a family now but considering I am the one who makes more money while my husband finishes Law School it is difficult. People are always saying to us when are the babies coming yes we have only been married almost 3 months but lived together for 5 years and dated for a 11 years so it is not 'well we just got married' but I don't know my husband would love a child right now but I would love to be home for a little bit with the child and I couldn't be if I would have to go back to work and pay the bills. I do think we have time we are both 29 yrs old. I would also like a house or at least another bedroom right now we own our 1 bedroom apartment and I think you just need more space when a child is around. Yes I feel the same way when I see children and play with my nephews. Well being aunt and uncle for now will have to work I just get nervous because what if it takes time when we are trying to have a child will only postpone it even more. I just don't know if it happens now then I guess it was meant to be (not that we are trying or anything).

I'm the 'breadwinner' but not by far...we're both engineers of different disciplines... I honestly didn't think people would comment having kids...but it's happening. It's only been a month since the wedding!!!

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Dec 07, 2000 12:00 AM bride-minus.png

Physically wanting children?

Rachel, Andrew and I too have been together for a while, well 4 years total. It doesn't just happen to me when I see children. It happens at home alone, or out shopping, or at work. It's weird. I too make more money than my husband, but it doesn't matter to me. I have day care here at work, actually, about 25 feet away from where I sit. Downstairs is our day care center. It's a wonderful day care too. You can take your child out for lunch in the cafe, you can go down if you are breast feeding and do that. They take them around the building and outside on this little 8 toddler carriage bus. It's very sweet. You can be walking around and all of a sudden, here come 8 little ones and they wave to you and such. I actually am tearing now just thinking about it. This is what happens to me. It scares me a little. My girlfriend said it's normal and that it's just my motherly instinct kicking in.

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