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My Gown
LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

My Gown

Well- in one week I went from being completely clueless about ordering gowns, and where to start, and being completely having one picked out, sized and ordered! I'm so excited. That was a lot less painful than I thought it would be. Now for the bridesmaids (all 8 of them!!) Hugs Stacy

Thanks, Leighann! I'm going to check them out.

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fortzando Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
fortzando MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 763 WEDDING DATE: May 27, 2001
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

My Gown

You go, girl!! You give hope to the clueless like myself who have yet to go down that path. Where did you shop?

Hi Everyone-I have several of these creative programs that I use for all sorts of things. Most comp usa has a huge selection. I absolutely love printmaster (platinum). Just to let you know that there are lots of these programs. (that is my favorite) Its a great investment if you plan on using it in the future for other stuff. I've made calenders, tons of cards. Even a book for my god-daughter telling the story of her birth that I had laminated. I'm really just babbling here! Sorry.... Stacy

Thanks, Leighann! I'm going to check them out.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

My Gown

Thanks! On the spur of the moment I hopped into Macy's bridal in the Smith Haven Mall. I had pictures that I liked with me so I showed the girl. She was very helpful. One of the gowns I had a picture of I tried on and I absolutely loved it. I tried on two more(different styles) just to compare- but I went with the first one. How easy! I guess I could drive myself crazy searching for several more months and trying on a thousand dresses. But why bother? Chances are I'll go with the first one anyway. I love it so I will make things easier and not second guess myself! I hope that when you start trying them on you have as much luck as me. Don't drive yourself crazy though. When you love one- go for it! Good Luck. Hugs Stacy

Thanks, Leighann! I'm going to check them out.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

My Gown

Good for you. I picked ordered my gown in about an hour it was the first one I put on. I also picked the bridesmaids dresses the same day.(12 of them) I thought it was way to easy but when you see "That Dress" you know.

My girlfriends house on LI was robbed the night of her wedding they think because the bands of marriage was announced at the church the week before. It follows the same pattern as obituaries--I know this is sad but it is something to think about--Your full name and wedding date can zero you in on trouble.

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