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Reading the fine print
LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

Ok gang.....I need your opinion here! I received the contract from my DJ in the mail. I was signing it and sending in my deposit when I saw a line in the contract that stated... and I quote "All hired help must be fed a main course meal". Well I took offense to this. I don't think it should be required that I feed any HIRED help. Afterall they aren't donating their time. I am paying for it. I don't require that my boss pay for my meals at work, therefore I don't think I should be responsible for their meals if I choose not to. In reality we are planning to feed the vendors, but have not yet made that definite. The point is I am the one to make that decision not the vendor, correct?? I signed the contract and sent the deposit but I crossed out the line about the main course meal. I also enclosed a note stating that although I plan on feeding the vendors that I have not made that decision and don't need it stated in the contract. Did I do the right thing? Should I be shopping for a new DJ with 5 and half months to go before the wedding? I really like the guy and he gave a great deal on our package. Does that mean I should be responsible for feeding him or anyone else for that matter?

Hi Liz. I recieved your email off line. I did send you a response but for some reason it keeps bouncing back to me that your email address isnt there. Can you send my your email address for I can forward you the info regarding the DJ. Thanks!!!


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fortzando Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
fortzando MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 763 WEDDING DATE: May 27, 2001
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

Hi Ann Marie, I hear your irritation and can understand but this is one of those situations that it might be worth asking yourself "How important is it?" I mean, if you are happy with the DJ's work and price and in reality you are planning on feeding him, then why cause yourself the aggravation of looking for a new DJ? Sometimes the principle isn't worth fighting for because of the ramifications. It's a personal choice though, I agree the boldness of the wording is a bit ballsy but a hungry DJ isn't necessarily a happy DJ, which in reality doesn't necessarily lead to a happy bride & groom. Good luck. -Elizabeth

When we were thinking of having my four nephews in the wedding party, we decided on having all the boys in matching black pants, shoes, vests, and ties, with white shirts. This way, the money spent was for an outfit they could keep...and they would all be uniform and COMFORTABLE...of course, it was a notch down in formality.

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Glory Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
Glory MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 405 WEDDING DATE: Nov 04, 2000
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

Hi. My DJ's contract had the same thing. I thought it was weird to put it on the contract in fine print but.... I was planning on feeding them anyway so I didnt sweat it. I love my DJ so I said Oh Well. Dont stress about it.


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

Has anyone thought of just getting a 4ft hero and a salad in a seperate room for all vendors to help themselves as they have breaks? I think it is a nice gesture, and unreasonable for a vendor to expect you to pay a plate fee. Just an idea!

Try Glamour at your door. I dont have their # with me but I will post it tomorrow. Terri is doing my makeup - Great job. She comes to your house and has someone to do hair. They do trials so you can try out the looks.


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

Concetta..who are you using?? I am wondering if it's the same guy> You can mail me privately if you wish. Thanks

Try Glamour at your door. I dont have their # with me but I will post it tomorrow. Terri is doing my makeup - Great job. She comes to your house and has someone to do hair. They do trials so you can try out the looks.


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

thats what my fiance suggested (4 foot sub and some salads and soda-- possibly left overs from the previous night's bbq/rehearsal dinner)!!! and WAY cheaper than even the half price meal my country club offers the vendors. -leighann


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

That's not a bad idea really. I don't think I would give them leftovers. But the hero and salads is not a bad idea and yes alot cheaper than the half price meal my reception hall offers as well. Something to think about!

thats what my fiance suggested (4 foot sub and some salads and soda-- possibly left overs from the previous night's bbq/rehearsal dinner)!!! and WAY cheaper than even the half price meal my country club offers the vendors. -leighann


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print


Most band/DJ and photo/video people I know would rather have the hero as you describe than some old chicken and have the B&G billed for $50 per head, and then think that they got the same meal as the guests. By the way, photo/video folks probably work 21/2 times longer than the band/DJ people, who do have an opportunity to eat before the job.


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

here is a question though: do you think the reception venue would prohibit this? meaning, prohibit bringing in outside food for the vendors? i think i need to make a phone call and check!! the other option my country club gave was to allow the vendors to eat during the cocktail hour for free... i guess that means they can eat the food that is already out there for us and the guests. any thoughts about this option?


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Laura s Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
Laura s MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 450 WEDDING DATE: Aug 25, 2001
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print

We had this same issue We spoke with our band(9 people) and they agreed to eat at the cocktail hour and viennese hour This has been a hot topic on the board before and it is all a matter of personal preference Our band was not offended in the least We couldn't see paying over $1000 to feed them plus the fee and their tip Good luck with whatever you decide

hey rachel! thanks so much for recommending susan. i spoke with her today and we are meeting with her next tuesday to go over all our options!! she seems really nice. thanks again! -leighann

I noticed groom's cakes are very popular in the South.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Reading the fine print


We have had hero's brought in by certain clubs and we have been banned from eating at the cocktail hour at others. Each has their own rules. At leaast you are concerned.

I noticed groom's cakes are very popular in the South.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 29, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

you did the right thing

Annmarie. I would have crossed it out as well. It is up to you and the catring hall to see what options are available. Of course you do wan tto offer them something to eat but it should not be part of their contract. I am with you!


New York MetroWeddings

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