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I'm Married and sooooo happy! Reviews and pics included!
SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:32 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:32 PM bride-minus.png

I'm Married and sooooo happy! Reviews and pics included!

Hello everyone! I want to tell you that I have tons of pictures on discs from my MOH's dad that I will post tonight.

The day was wonderful! The weather was perfect and my husband and I took a lot of time to take it all in! I had tons of fun, although we were running late all day due to an idiot driver - but I will give details to that soon enough!

Here is my review:

I know everyone rates differently, so I'm not using letters.

RD: Tutto Pazzo in Huntington

Amazing! The food was so good, everyone is still raving about it! Their outdoor room is gorgeous! We had a blast! We were in a private room and able to give speeches and hand out gifts privately - it was just how I wanted it!

RD Centerpieces: I made them myself. I ordered the flowers from 2G Roses and they were gorgeous! So inexpensive! I got 75 roses and seeded eucalyptus and they were so fresh - they are all still alive in my Mom's house!

Bridal Tea: Robinson's Tea Room in Stonybrook

I had a bridal tea the day before for the BMs, Moms, and the readers. We had a great time - everyone loved the place. The food was great, we relaxed and chatted - it was perfect!

More to come on the wedding. . .

Added picture from the tea. . .
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btrflygrl Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:35 PM+
btrflygrl MEMBER SINCE: 7/03 TOTAL POSTS : 11114 WEDDING DATE: Mar 06, 2004
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:35 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Congrats!! The tea room is Great!! Glad you had a good time!!!
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2bewedin04 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:36 PM+
2bewedin04 MEMBER SINCE: 8/03 TOTAL POSTS : 140 WEDDING DATE: Jul 04, 2004
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:36 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Congrats ... it was a beautiful weekend.
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:37 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:37 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Brian the Bagpiper :

This was a surprise for my husband. He loves bagpipers! I heard he got all choked up when he saw him. Brian was so good! He even came up on our bus before we left the church and played! I definitely recommend him!

Jillian from Gorgeous Faces :

Wow! She is amazing! She did my Mom, MOH, BM, reader, Jr BMs and me and everyone was sooo happy! She is so much fun and relaxed me! I loved my makeup - and it stood up throughout all of my crying which was amazing! I definitely recommend her!

Patchogue Floral :

I bought my tiara here and it was so pretty and cheap - they have a great selection! I also bought my vases for the RD centerpieces here and they were just what I wanted and only $3.50 each.

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xjulietx Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:41 PM+
xjulietx MEMBER SINCE: 4/03 TOTAL POSTS : 6638 WEDDING DATE: Jun 20, 2004
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:41 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Congrats! Keep posting the rest of the review and pictures as soon as you can.
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:46 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 12:46 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Flower Michele:

You all know this review before you even read it! John did not let me down!!! He is the BEST EVER!!! I had an exact image in my head of what I wanted and he nailed it down beyond my dreams! Everything was PERFECT!! As soon as the bouquets showed up I knew it was all going to be perfect. The flowers were vibrant, fresh and beautiful! The delilvery man told me that he had never seen anything like my flowers and that he had seen the centerpieces that morning and he knew I would LOVE them! I had a sunflower theme and many people told me that they are a delicate flower that wouldn't hold up. John did not believe that and he was right! They are all still alive and perfect! I will definitely post tons of pictures of his work! One of my husband's cousins thought they were fake b/c she said real flowers are never that perfect! Everyone was joking around that John must have grown a whole sunflower field for me! I already tried to call him and tell him how much I love him but there was no answer! My advice - hire Flower Michele - they are superb!!
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:03 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:03 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Regency Limos :

Many, many issues!!! I was not a happy camper. But, before I post the details I will wait and see if they make good on it now. I will let you know in a few days the result.

Deli Works in Huntington :

I had breakfast catered to my husband's suite the morning of the wedding for him, his parents and the GM. They were on time and he said the food was great! And they only charged me $3.95/person + tax!!

Wild Rose Video :

Unfortunately Marie was hurt so someone else was shooting that day. But Marie did make a point to be there and set everything up and see the 'major' things - ceremony, speeches, etc. I am so happy that she did! She is a doll!! The videographer was unobtrusive, although he did hit one of my guests in the head with his camera but she is fine. I can't wait to see it!

JoVon Photography:

I don't know what the pictures will look like, but I am 100% confident that they will be wonderful! I loved Telmo and Vittorio! They were everywhere! Vittorio was on stairways, behind polls, croutching behind tables - exactly the way a photojournalist should be! And Telmo is so sweet, but controls the show at the same time. We were running late, but he made sure to get what he knew we wanted and quickly move everyone along! I am so excited for my proofs!!!

Port Jefferson Country Club:

This is the most beautiful hall ever! What a perfect setting for our wedding! The day was so clear and perfect, there were sailboats in the water and the flowers were all in bloom - I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect setting. The cocktail hour was outside and just how I imagined it! I only got to eat what was brought to me on trays b/c (again) we were late and in a rush to get pictures done. But, I was told that all of the food was amazing!! The maitre d' was great! Very efficient and accomodating! (And he kept calling me Mrs. Jordan which was so exciting!!). The food was sooo good - I made a point to eat dinner b/c I was so excited for it! They also gave us up to 48 hours to cancel guests and we did cancel 4 - I thought that was wonderful. We should get a check in the mail soon. I have a friend that works for a catering hall and he told me that the wedding was run exceptionally and he was extremely impressed with the service.

I'm so sad that the place was taken over and that they will be renovating it and changing it - I think its perfect!!!
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:07 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:07 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Primetime Live:

They were so good! We requested a Creed song for the bridal party entrance and wondered how they'd do and it was perfect! They did everything from U2 to Barry White to Billy Joel to Madonna! And the brass section was so much fun! They came out on the deck while we were taking pictures to play and they moved around the dance floor - so much fun!! I definitely recommend them! Primetime Live
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:10 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:10 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Huntington Coach:

We got a shuttle bus to take people back to the hotel and they were on time and knew where they were going - just what you'd expect from all drivers you hire! We should have skipped Regency and used Hunt Coach all day!!
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:17 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:17 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Invitations - Lizard Designs:

I've written about them before, but I want to say again how much I loved them! I got more comments about them on Saturday. They were beautiful! Lizard Designs

Duckwalk Vineyards:

Our favors were full sized bottles of wine from here. They gave us a great deal. Everyone raved about the favors.

Linda's Lovelies:

I won Jordan almonds and rose petal cones at one of the GTGs from here. I was very happy with what I got. The only problem was the inconvenience. It took a long time to come in and then to arrange a time that worked for her to have me come over (its in her house) by the time we found a time that worked I didn't need anythig else. It was a week before my wedding so I didn't buy anything. I had a list of things that I wanted from her originally and she said that she'd have it all for me and then wanted to know why I didn't want to buy anything - I told her that if everything had been in 3 weeks earlier like it was suppossed to then I would have! She kept telling me that it had to be last minute for the almonds to be fresh. But, also said they'd be ready weeks earlier. Just order very early to ensure you get the stuff on time. I think her prices and selection are worth it!
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:25 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:25 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Huntington Hilton:

We had a block of rooms here. They were okay. They never called to update me on anything and weren't that nice to me. But, they gave us decent prices and we got our bridal suite for free. They also handed out all of the welcome bags upon check-in just liked I asked so I was happy with that. The only real problem was with (of all people) my SIL and husband's parents. My SIL has a 21 month old. A year ago she booked a full suite w/ 2 bedrooms and a living room. Well, they did not have that for her when she got there Thurs. They claimed they didn't even have them in the hotel! Then admitted they did but they were all taken. My SIL threw a fit! They said they'd give them a jr suite (one bedroom and living room) w/ a joining regular room but it would be $99/night more!! They kept asking her who she booked the room with - she was like a year ago?? I don't remember and they said well then we can't help you! Finally she got a manager and they settled on two regular rooms for the price of the suite. What a fiasco. She said the worst part was how she was treated during the whole thing. I will be calling them today.

And my MOH had ordered us chocolate covered strawberries and champagne and when we saw her in the bar after we checked in she asked about them and I told her they weren't there. She went to the desk and got them - I don't know if they were running late or if they would have forgotten them if she didn't check on it. But, we got them and they were wonderful!
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jennbaby Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:41 PM+
jennbaby MEMBER SINCE: 9/01 TOTAL POSTS : 29573 WEDDING DATE: May 17, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:41 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!


I know, poor Marie hurt her elbow

I used Brian the bagpiper also & he was great!
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SeptemberBride03 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:47 PM+
SeptemberBride03 MEMBER SINCE: 8/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3277 WEDDING DATE: Sep 20, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:47 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Sorry for all of the separate posts - I'm at work while I'm doing this!



For my mom I had a quilt made that had pictures of us as I was growing up on it. It is gorgeous! I have the website at home and I will post it tonight! It was made by a woman named Becky and it was so perfect -my Mom cried! It is on the site - the memory quilt.

I guess I mentioned all of the vendors!

All in all it was a wonderful day and I got to marry the love of my life! Nothing could have been better than that! The morning after when I woke up, I was just so happy to be laying there with my husband and knowing that he will be with me forever and ever! I am so lucky to have him!

My MOH was so good to us! Getting us drinks and water and reminding me to dance and pulling me away from pictures and helping me in the bathroom! And she gave a beautiful speech that still brings tears to my eyes - babeyblu16 - you are the best friend in the world!
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Alvatorre74 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:52 PM+
Alvatorre74 MEMBER SINCE: 4/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1407 WEDDING DATE: Aug 31, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:52 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Im sooo glad everything went well
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DrmnBlnd Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:54 PM+
DrmnBlnd MEMBER SINCE: 12/02 TOTAL POSTS : 5976 WEDDING DATE: May 15, 2004 WEDDING LOCATION: undecided
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:54 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

congrats! Sounds like you had a great day!
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nrvbrd Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:54 PM+
nrvbrd MEMBER SINCE: 10/02 TOTAL POSTS : 5249 WEDDING DATE: Sep 06, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 01:54 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!


Can't wait to see pics.
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2bewedin04 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 02:58 PM+
2bewedin04 MEMBER SINCE: 8/03 TOTAL POSTS : 140 WEDDING DATE: Jul 04, 2004
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 02:58 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Congrats! And thanks for posting.
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curly2003 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:00 PM+
curly2003 MEMBER SINCE: 6/02 TOTAL POSTS : 6619 WEDDING DATE: Sep 26, 2003
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:00 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

I am soooooooooooo happy for you, YAY!!!!!!!!1
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July2004Bride Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:01 PM+
July2004Bride MEMBER SINCE: 8/03 TOTAL POSTS : 2859 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2012
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:01 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!

Congrats.. That's great!
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butterfly20 Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:10 PM+
butterfly20 MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 10671 WEDDING DATE: Nov 06, 2004
Posted: Sep 22, 2003 03:10 PM bride-minus.png

Re: I'm Married and sooooo happy!


great review
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