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A little down : (
JennRenee Posted: Aug 16, 2001 10:58 AM+
JennRenee MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 8162 WEDDING DATE: Jul 06, 2001
Posted: Aug 16, 2001 10:58 AM bride-minus.png

A little down : (

Well, today was supposed to be my closing date, and due to an error in communication, our closing was wrongly canceled. I am so disappointed. We are all back on the same page communication-wise, but we still don't have a new date. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks with my parents, and I'm ready for MY home! Aside from that, I also haven't been able to get into my school to set up my classroom yet, so now I have the set up of my home and my classroom hanging over my head. The stress is killing me. Sorry for the downer, but I just had to vent. Thanks for listening.
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Karen H Posted: Aug 16, 2001 11:31 AM+
Karen H MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 1890 WEDDING DATE: Apr 28, 2001
Posted: Aug 16, 2001 11:31 AM bride-minus.png

A little down - I can relate.... (long litany of woes too)

Hi Jenn; My situation is different, but I can sure relate to 'the stress is killing me' line! I guess the optimistic view is that you`ll have the closing date hopefully soon - at least you`re not still looking for a house. My position at work is being eliminated and I had a termination date and package but they extended it to have me cover for someone who quit. It won`t lead to a full time position, but that`s OK because Hubby and I are planning to move from Boston to either LI or to Arizona and so the exit package actually is a benefit for me. Hubby`s really stressing over the job hunt and need to relocate and the logistics of it all, and that`s taking it`s toll on me. In the scenario where one sees the glass half full and the other sees it half empty - he always sees it as half empty and it`s got a crack in it! LI is where he really wants to be (his family is there), I like some parts of that, but financially, I don`t think it`s a very smart move for us to be paying the price of taxes and housing to live on LI. My family is in Phoenix, and while I`m not crazy about the climate, I would like to be near my 1 year old niece and the idea of only $2000 in annual property tax for a home that`s much nicer than a comparably priced home on LI is sure enticing. Overall, I think our quality of life in AZ would be better, except that he`s close to his immediate and extended family and already expects to be miserable if he`s not near them. Anyway, it`s a 'damned if you do and damned if you don`t' situation because he`s just constantly moping about how it`s a lose-lose situation - one he gives up family and the other he gives up quality of life and being able to save aggressivly for retirement. I can`t wait until we get past this point, and just hope that the next phase is better! Thanks for listining to my woes too!!!
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JennRenee Posted: Aug 16, 2001 06:06 PM+
JennRenee MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 8162 WEDDING DATE: Jul 06, 2001
Posted: Aug 16, 2001 06:06 PM bride-minus.png

Karen ~ Misery loves company! : )

I hope that you and your husband can come to a compromise or find a place that makes you both happy. It must be so stressful for you! I'm glad you could vent, and I'll be here to listen if you want to do it again. : )
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