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question about proofs
Linda D. Posted: Aug 17, 2001 02:00 PM+
Linda D. MEMBER SINCE: 4/01 TOTAL POSTS : 129 WEDDING DATE: Aug 05, 2002
Posted: Aug 17, 2001 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

question about proofs

I just got my proofs back and was curious... On the average, I'm wondering if proofs are expected to have lots of closed eyes, or if it's expected that every pictures should be one that could go in an album. On the whole, I like my pics but there are a few where my eyes or someone elses are closed or the flowergirl is looking away. I was somewhat surprised a pro photographer would've gone ahead and taken the pic anyway instead of hesitating to try and get everyone (even kids) to look. Additionally, the only other issue I have is a few pics that I LOVE are sooo far away. I wonder if proofs can be zoomed in somehow. It seems almost silly b/c it's a beautiful picture but I look so far away. There's also a few during my ceremony that would've been perfect but they got the Videographer in the picture!!! Any comments?
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Junebride Posted: Aug 17, 2001 02:43 PM+
Junebride MEMBER SINCE: 3/01 TOTAL POSTS : 616 WEDDING DATE: Jun 16, 2001
Posted: Aug 17, 2001 02:43 PM bride-minus.png

yes, some comments...

Yes, my photographer told me that any picture could be brought closer or centered perfectly - A few with your eyes closed I guess has to be expected - but he/she should of taken a few of key shots so that you have others to choose from (my photographer) the more people in the picture the more shots he took (like a family one with 25 I think he took 9 shots and in fact he would say a few times blinky blinky and would make us stay and take more - If there are a lot of those I would maybe complain - not that you can change anything but maybe they can make it up in some way. You have to expect that evey shot isn't going to be perfect... Mine was during the cake - I think he took them from the wrong angle (the part of the cake that was decorated is kind of out of the picts.) but other then that I have perfect pictures of all other main moments - if you are unhappy it doens't hurt to speak up - maybe it will help him with the next persons pictures...
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natasha Posted: Aug 17, 2001 03:43 PM+
natasha MEMBER SINCE: 6/01 TOTAL POSTS : 3569 WEDDING DATE: May 27, 2001
Posted: Aug 17, 2001 03:43 PM bride-minus.png

yes, some comments...

My photographer took at least two shoots of each picture. Some of them look exactly the same, while other have slight differences. As Junebride indicated, they can crop and enlarge.
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Karen H Posted: Aug 17, 2001 05:11 PM+
Karen H MEMBER SINCE: 2/01 TOTAL POSTS : 1890 WEDDING DATE: Apr 28, 2001
Posted: Aug 17, 2001 05:11 PM bride-minus.png

question about proofs

Our photographer took multiple shots of each pose. No closed eyes, but expressions did vary and a few were not the best. Overall, I was really pleased with what we did get. I expected more closed eyes. I think our contract called for a minimum of 400 good shots and to get that he said he'd take about 425 - 450 to be sure that there were no real losers in the group he gave us. We ended up with about 450 decent shots although alot are very similar.
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CecilyD. Posted: Aug 17, 2001 09:35 PM+
CecilyD. MEMBER SINCE: 6/01 TOTAL POSTS : 37 WEDDING DATE: Feb 14, 2003
Posted: Aug 17, 2001 09:35 PM bride-minus.png

question about proofs

Sure, we have a bunch eyes closed, looking the wrong way, etc. But as the other ladies said, our photographer took multiples of each posed shot, so we have a 'good version' of every one. I understand what you are saying, but our feeling was - hey, we have 700+ proofs, & the photographer took a lot so we would have lots of perfect shots, but not EVERY photo is going to be perfect. Also, in our case, we stressed we wanted the photojournalistic approach (which is why we chose our photographer in the first place), so I feel like in order to get those special candid album-worthy shots, there are some that are less then 'WOW'. I also accept that I am a perfectionist so I was not going to 'LOVE!' every shot. :)
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MiniBride Posted: Aug 18, 2001 06:50 PM+
MiniBride MEMBER SINCE: 8/01 TOTAL POSTS : 234 WEDDING DATE: Sep 18, 2004
Posted: Aug 18, 2001 06:50 PM bride-minus.png

Proofs can be made better

Your photog should be able to do alot with your proofs like zoom, crop, even airbursh, if necessary. Don't stress...
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