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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png


It seems that everone I know has been getting married the last few years, and the one thing that has been constant is that the cake tasted horrible. I'm having my reception at the Floral Terrace and they are including the cake I want. The only problem is that I don't want it if it is going to taste disgusting.( I can just imagine getting my wedding pictures back and instead of me feeding my fiance cake, I'm spitting it out.)

I've heard only good things about Floral Terrace's food, but nothing about the cake there. I'm really concerned about this. I've been doing some research, just in case, and can't find anyone who specializes in wedding cake in this area. I don't want to hire a regular baker because my design is so intricate.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png



You should give your caterer a call and voice your concerns about the cake. Ask them if they could arrange a tasting of their wedding cake for you. If you could have a small taste ahead of time at least you will know what the cake will taste like:-)


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png


I understand that Maria's bakery on Post Ave. in Westbury does wedding cakes. I think they work with a number of halls on the island. I've never had their wedding cakes (that I'm aware of), but everything else they make is wonderful.

Addressing the minor issue of tipping: Guidelines are only meant as suggested guidelines to help out in a confusing situation. The purpose is an attempt to address an awkward situation and make everyone happy. They come from averages in the past that have seemed normal. Is $1 acceptable for a bellhop, or was that from 20 years ago? Do they expect $5? Do they laugh/sneer @ $1? I appreciate knowing because I don't like offending people.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

CAKE , A Yr Later


What do you think of this idea?

Being I am eloping, and its just going to be the two of us, and I dont forsee a party when we return I was thinking this:

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

CAKE , A Yr Later

I think this is a beautiful idea.

Also, see if they can give you a break on the ringbearer's tux..if you are having a little boy in your group.

We wanted to stay away from pure white since we were told it will make the dress look dirty.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png


Tatiana, Hi it's Jamelle the one that got Married at Floral Terrace the 26th of February. I took the "House Cake" and to be honest I did not even taste it until I got back to the hotel room. We never got around to eating either. You are not really hungry you are just enjoying the moment...beside I was not going to risk dropping anything on my dress!! FT packages the diner and desert for the B & G to take with them when they do not get to eat. So we ate it that night in the hotel. what can I say it was cake, nothing to die for and nothing to say yuck about regular store cake. I was also going to bring in a baker, but after careful thought what we did was take the house cake and my mother-in-law had my sister-in-laws mother (who is a caterer) make a cake for us in the shape of a broom (African American tradition of jumping the broom) for our rehearsal diner. She make incredible cakes in wonderful designs and was going to do our wedding cake. But we decided to do it at the rehearsal since that was the time that WE would really be able to enjoy it and we also knew that our closest family and friends would be there so they would also get to share it with us. just a thought, not to mention we saved a ton of money!! Wedding cakes are VERY expensive!! No one told me that the cake was bad, but then again no one ever tells the bride bad things. I will ask around and see what everyone thought of it and then get back to you. Hope that this helps


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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

CAKE , A Yr Later

Judy, I think that is a great idea. I'm sure your husband would love it.



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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png


I have never tasted a wedding cake that was anything to write home about. At this point whenever I am at a wedding I just take one bite (to see if it's any good and because it's bad luck for the B&G not to :). Let's face it, by the time the cake comes around everyone is so stuffed from all the other wonderful food who has room for cake?

If you ask me, THAT is the real reason wedding cake always tastes horrible -everyone is full!

Of course it might be really important to you to have a good cake, I am definately not knocking that. But as Jamelle pointed out, wedding cakes are expensive. I plan on going with the house cake.

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LIWeddings Archive Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM+
MEMBER SINCE: 12/69 TOTAL POSTS : 18488 WEDDING DATE: Dec 31, 1969
Posted: Feb 10, 2000 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Words of wisdom are always appreciated

Rob and Jamelle, thanks for your words of wisdom. I feel a lot more comfortable with going with my caterer's cake. (I will still ask if I can get a taste though, just to set my nerves at ease.)

Jamelle, which vendors did you use? I'm really interested to hear how your flowers, dj and photographer worked out.

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